


- DDoS attack warnings

Software and hardware solutions to ensure protection against DDoS attacks
We focus on new generation firewalls (NGFW), which are based on the identification of applications, users and threats.
Initial task: Our company started this project with code audition of an existing platform. The client had little to no time before the mainnet launch. The platform should be fully operational in less than three months.
Solution: After completing the audition a decision was made to discard the current Lisk based build and initiate development of a new core and auxiliary components from scratch. During this project we have developed:-High-speed network protocol of block exchange and confirmation.-Optimized transaction logics for high transaction speed.-Added special transactions for business purposes.-Modified DPoS consensus with innate support of one-to-many referral transactions with automated upstream calculations.-Web and mobile interfaces for wallet and explorer.-Documented SDK’s for multiple programming languages.-Improved security.
